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MARVELlous Disney, treat Doxtors

Posted in Behind the scenes at Doxdirect on 01 May 2013

IM3 Premiere

All work and no play makes us Doxtors very dull, so every now and again a fun night out is needed. One this occasion two very lucky Doxtors (Gosia and Ola) were invited by our friends at Disney to go to the Iron Man 3 premiere in Leicester Square. I caught up with the girls for a very quick Q&A session about their experience, here’s what the girls had to say:

Me: What was it like to walk down the red carpet?
The Girls: We were so excited, there were so many people around we felt like we were “stars” on the red carpet. It was an amazing experience for us.

Me: Did you see anyone famous?
The Girls: We saw Robert Downey Jr on the red carpet (In case you’ve been living under a rock, he is the actor who plays Iron Man)

Me: Did any press take your picture?
The Girls: Paparazzi were everywhere but didn’t take our picture, we made do with taking our own (See above)!

Me: Did you enjoy the film and would you recommend it?<
The Girls: The film was not our favourite kind of movie but we enjoyed it. We’d definitely recommend it to friends, it’s worth going to see. The actors, the action and the 3D effects were just amazing. Gosia – I loved the 3D, it made me think some objects were going to fly into my face.

Me: Anything else you’d like to add?
The Girls: Thanks to Disney for the tickets!!!

So there we have it, sounds like the girls had a fantastic night out and the movie is well worth a watch too.