Check out our new checkout!
Posted in News on 04 July 2023
We’re thrilled to introduce our new checkout interface!
Our customers have told us that they would like to have more control over their deliveries, and our aim has been to create an easy way for that to happen. When you get to the checkout page you will notice the selection of delivery options that enable you to choose the one best suited to your needs.
Firstly, you can expand the itemised list as shown below, here you can check quantities of each item and individual prices.

When you’re happy that your items are correct, then it’s time to choose your delivery. The delivery providers are shown on the left, and the expected delivery date is shown at the top of the table. We can show the delivery providers that work best in your area, and we will be adding more options over the coming weeks. Just click on the one you’d like and continue to the payment method. We even offer Sunday deliveries, so you have the potential to receive your order 7 days a week!

We hope you find the new style checkout a breeze, but if you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesistate to contact us by emailing